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    Fleischmann German 3-piece set: Pressurised gas tank wagons of the DB  

    Fleischmann 849119

    This is a 2024 New Item

    Price: $125.70
    Sale Price: $115.64

    Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    N Germany V DB 330mm
    Fleischmann 849119 - German 3-piece set: Pressurised gas tank wagons of the DB

    Product Features and Details
    N Scale Era V 

    Wagon set with three "EVA/DSM Holland" pressurised gas tank wagons, type Zags of the German Federal Railway.

    • Design featuring short sunroof
    • Ideal for building block trains

    Pressurised gas tank wagons are specially designed to transport liquefied, deep-frozen or dissolved gases. Loading and unloading takes place via devices that can be operated from the ground (bottom discharge). The striking, approx. 30 cm-high orange vertical stripe in the middle of the tank is typical for European wagons.

    For a long time, these wagons were used exclusively as private wagons [P], which were used by the national railway administrations. In contrast to other types of wagon, they are now owned by specialised wagon hire companies. The complex management of these wagons includes regular maintenance and inspection, etc. of the wagon fleet.

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