Home : Beginner page describing ERA's, Gauages, and Railways
Era Time Period Notes:
Era I Approx.1870-1920 Country & Private Railways 
Era II Approx. 1920-1945 The Period after the formation of large state railways 
Era III Approx. 1945-1970 The new organization of European railroads
Era IV Approx. 1968-1985 Standardized computer lettering on all rolling stock & locos
Era V Approx. 1985-2000 The modern era of railroading


The different gauges
Name Scale Gauge Notes:
1:32 45mm (1-3/4")
Big Stuff.  Mostly Marklin Maxi.
1:45 32mm
There are two main types of O gauge: American (Lyonell, Mike's Train House) which is 3-rail AC. & European which is 2-rail DC. 
1:45 22.5mm
Same size as O but runs on narrow gauge track. Such as Roco's Alpine Line.
1:87 16.5mm (5/8")
The most popular gauge, offering the most options. This is what you will find the most on our site. HO comes in two varieties 3-rail AC (Marklin) & 2-rail DC (Everyone Else). However other companies do make items that are compatible with the Marklin system, and rolling stock from either system can have their wheels swapped to work with the other.
1:87 12mm (1/2")
Same size as HO but runs on narrow gauge track. Tillig produces some HOm items.
1:87 9mm
Same size as HO but runs on narrow gauge track. We have HOe items available from Roco, Tillig, & Liliput.
1:120 12mm (1/2")
Tillig produces most of the TT gauge items with the addition of a few items from other manufactures.
1:160 9mm
More popular then TT you can find N scale items from Fleischmann, Roco, Trix, Arnold, and others.
1:220 6.5mm  (1/4")
The smallest working trains available. Mostly Marklin but some other companies make it too.


The Railways
BBÖ Federal Railways of Austria
BLS Bern Lötschberg Simplon (Switzerland)
BR British Railways
CD Czech Railways
CFL Luxembourg National Railways
CP Portuguese Railways
CSD Czechoslovak State Railroad
DB German Federal Railways / German Railway Corporation
DDR East German State Railway (after 1949)
DR German State Railway (after 1945)
DRG German State Railway (until 1945)
DSB Danish State Railways
FS Italian State Railway
KBayStsB Royal Bavarian State Railway
KCRC Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation (China)
KPEV Royal Prussian Railway Administration
KWStE Royal Württemberg State Railways
MAV Hungarian State Railway
NS Netherlands State Railways
NSB Norwegian State Railways
ÖBB Austrian Federal Railways
PKP State Railway of Poland
RENFE Spanish Railways
SächsStsEB Saxonian State Railway
SBB Swiss Federal Railways
SJ Swedish State Railways
SNCB Belgian National Railways
SNCF French National Railway Company
SOB Süd Ost Bahn (South East Railway Switzerland)
SZ Slovenian State Railway
VR Finnish State Railways
ZSR Slovakian Republic Railways
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