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    Roco 2-piece set 2: Commuter coaches, DB AG  

    Roco 6200035

    This is a 2024 New Item

    Price: $124.90
    Sale Price: $114.91

    System Scale Country Era Railway Dimensions
    DC HO Germany V DB-AG 606mm
    Roco 6200035 - 2-piece set 2: Commuter coaches, DB AG

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale DC Era V 
    Wagon set 2 with two commuter coaches of the Deutsche Bahn from the Stuttgart region. Consisting of one 2nd class coach type Bn 719 and one 2nd class coach type Bnr 725 in "Silberling" design. - Coach condition as at the end of the 1990s - Elaborate printing in typical peacock-eye pattern - Both coaches feature ocean-blue longitudinal girders - Finely-detailed bogies with block brake (Bn) or disc brake (Bnr) each with axle generator - Suitable for electric locomotive 110 504, Art. No. 7500017, 7510017, 7520017

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