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Thomas Oswald, the founder and owner of MBZ is an old-time friend of ours. The best way to describe him is that he is a hard working artist. As a professional photographer he was always looking for new ways to express himself and to introduce new techniques into his work. He even underwent a vocational training as a make-up artist just to have the skills for body painting. Then he introduced body painting to the industrial photography and was so successful with it that he was invited to numerous TV shows. He was also invited to the college of Coburg as a guest lecturer for photography, Interior Architecture and Integrated Product Design.
His whole live he was involved in model trains. In 1999 he started with a new layout and was very unhappy with the buildings and materials offered by the big companies.
Therefore he developed buildings and landscaping materials that are more realistic than you have ever seen from the model railroad industry.

Thomas Oswald ‘s skills and knowledge in model railroading is so advanced that he is doing a lot of work for Josef Brandl, the most famous layout builder in Europe. Many of his MBZ models are featured in the latest Supermodellbahnanlagen magazine “Nebenbahn pur”. He also created a model of the Semper Operahouse for a museum in Dresden.